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First Meeting of Chairman and CEO Nominating Committee of KB Financial Group


The Chairman and CEO Nominating Committee has appointed Young Jin Kim, a non-executive director, as its chairperson.

The Chairman and CEO Nominating Committee (“the Committee”) serving under the Board of Directors of KB Financial Group Inc. (“KBFG”) held its first meeting in the afternoon of September 19, 2014.  The Committee has appointed Young Jin Kim, a non-executive director, as its chairperson and has officially begun the selection process for the nominee for chairman and chief executive officer of KBFG.

The Committee plans to hold approximately five meetings in the future, during which the Committee plans to compile an initial pool of candidates and narrow down the list of candidates, followed by interviews with each of the candidates.  The Committee plans to select its nominee for chairman and chief executive officer of KBFG at the end of October 2014.

The Committee plans to fully disclose details regarding the nominee selection process to demonstrate its commitment to a fair and transparent nomination process for the chairman and chief executive officer of KBFG.