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Third Meeting of Chairman and CEO Nominating Committee of KB Financial Group


The Chairman and CEO Nominating Committee (the “Committee”) serving under the Board of Directors of KB Financial Group Inc. (“KBFG”) held its third meeting at the head office of KBFG in the afternoon of October 2, 2014. The Committee, chaired by Young Jin Kim, compiled an initial list of 84 candidates and conducted an in-depth evaluation of each candidate, which involved careful review of the documents and references of the candidates.

Prior to its third meeting, the Committee had convened a forum with the Korean National Pension Service, the largest shareholder of KBFG, and the labor union of Kookmin Bank, and heard their respective opinions.  Representatives of the Korean National Pension Service earnestly expressed their views regarding a sound governance structure of a holding company, while the labor union of Kookmin Bank requested that the CEO be nominated from within the company.

At the third meeting of the Committee, which followed the forum mentioned above, the members of the Committee were briefed by two executive recruiting firms on the candidate evaluation criteria and selection method utilized in compiling the initial pool of candidates.

The Committee then performed a thorough review and evaluation of the initial list of 84 candidates and narrowed down the list to nine candidates.  Key details of the nine candidates are as follows (in Korean alphabetical order):

Name Career
Ki-Hong Kim Former senior vice president, Kookmin Bank
Ok-Chan Kim Former vice president and acting president, Kookmin Bank
Seung-Woo Yang Current chairman of Deloitte Anjin LLC
Jong-Kyoo Yoon Former deputy president and chief financial officer, KBFG
Dong-Girl Lee Former vice chairman and chairman of the board of directors, Shinhan Investment Corp.
Chul-Hwi Lee Current chief executive officer, The Seoul Shinmun
Dong-Hyun Ji Former vice president, Kookmin Card
Young-Key Hwang Former chairman and chief executive officer, KBFG
Anonymous candidate* -

* The anonymous candidate could not be reached to confirm his or her candidacy.  

With respect to the nine candidates, the Committee has requested that a reputation inquiry report on each candidate be prepared by the two executive recruiting firms.  The Committee plans to hold a fourth meeting in mid-October based on the results of the reputation inquiry reports and further narrow down the candidate list from nine to around four candidates.  Details regarding the time and venue of the fourth meeting of the Committee are to be announced in due course.