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MissionㆍVisionㆍCore Values

KB Financial Group is Korea’s leading financial institution.

KB Financial Group has established its Mission to provide financial service delivering changes for happier life & better world, and its Vision to become the trusted financial partner for a lifetime driven by world-class talents and bold innovation.

Based on prompt decision making and agile execution, we will continue to be recognized as the most trusted leading financial group by offering differentiated products and services through constant innovation.


Financial service delivering changes

Happier life & Better world

We aim to deliver financial services that bring happiness and well-being to our customers and society


Driven by world-class talents and bold innovation, to become your trusted financial partner for a lifetime

Our goal is to become a lifelong financial group by leading innovation that shift the financial paradigm with our best professionals

Core Value


Benefits to our customers and prioritized in our decision making


We relentlessly strive to develop industry-leading competencies


We foster creative thinking and drive first mover initiatives to reshape the future of the financial services industry

Trust & Integrity

As a financial services provider we adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct, always acting in good faith and with integrity

Shared growth

By growing together with our customers we aim to contribute to the advancement of society

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