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ESG Ratings

We, the KB Financial Group, transparently disclose the evaluation process.

Our ESG performance is evaluated every year by credible external agencies and we provide information on the ratings in a transparent manner to support engagement with stakeholders. We will continue to enhance our ESG strategy and performance benchmarking external assessments.

  • DJSI(Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)

    Included in DJSI World for 7 consecutive years
    The logo of DJSI(Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)
  • CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)

    Leadership A – (2022) Selected as the Honors in the finance sector for 7 consecutive years(2017~2023)
    The logo of CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)
  • Bloomberg GEI(Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index)

    The first Korean company included in the GEI for 5 consecutive years(2019~2023)
    The logo of Bloomberg GEI(Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index)
  • Korea ESG Standards Institute

    Received A+ rating in all areas for 4 consecutive years (the only company in the financial sector 2020~2023) Selected as the best ESG Company (first in the financial sector, 2020) Selected as the best financial company in governance for 2 consecutive years (2018~2019)
    The logo of the Korea ESG Standards Institute
  • MSCI(Morgan Stanley Capital International)

    The first domestic financial company to receive the highest AAA rating for two consecutive years (2024)
    The logo of the MSCI
  • FTSE4Good (Financial Times Security Exchange)

    The first Korean company included in the FTSE4Good for 14 consecutive years(2011~2024)
    The logo of the MSCI
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