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Form 6-K Current Reports

General Shareholders' Meeting Agenda Details(Mar.7, 2002)


• General Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda Details for the Fiscal Year of 2001

On March 7, 2002, Kookmin Bank disclosed the following agenda details for the general shareholders’ meeting for the fiscal year of 2001.

1. Time and Venue

• Time: Friday, March 22, 2002, 10 A.M.

• Venue: auditorium, 4th floor, Yoido Headquarters, 36-3 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul, Korea 150-758

2. Agenda and the Detailed Information

2.1. Agendum No. 1. Approval of Non-Consolidated Financial Statements (Balance sheet, Income statement and Statement of appropriation of retained earnings) for the Fiscal Year of 2001 (2001. 1. 1 ~ 12. 31)

Please find the Exhibits attached at the end of this document.

Exhibit Index

1. Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2000

2. Non-Consolidated Income Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

3. Non-Consolidated Statements of Appropriations of Retained Earnings for the Years Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

2.2. Agendum No. 2. Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
Before As amended

Article 13 (Stock Options)

(1) The Bank may grant stock options to its officers and employees pursuant to the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act (hereinafter the “SEA”), by a special resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders, to the extent not exceeding fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of issued and outstanding shares; provided that the Bank may grant stock options by a resolution of the Board of Directors, to the extent not exceeding one percent (1%) of the total number of issued and outstanding shares.

(8) The Bank may impose the condition of achievement of detailed performance for the exercise of stock options, and may postpone or cancel the exercise of stock options if such condition is not satisfied.

Article 13 (Stock Options)

(1) The Bank may grant stock options to its officers and employees pursuant to the provisions of the SEA, by a special resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders, to the extending not exceeding fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of issued and outstanding shares; provided that the Bank may grant stock options by a resolution of the Board of Directors, to the extent not exceeding one percent (1%) of the total number of issued and outstanding shares, in such case, the Bank must obtain the approval of shareholders at the nearest forthcoming General Meeting of Shareholders.

(8) In case of granting stock options to the management, the Bank must impose the condition of achievement of detailed performance for the exercise of stock options, and may postpone or cancel the exercise of stock options if such condition is not satisfied.


Article 1 (Effective Date)

These Articles of Incorporation shall become effective on and after March 22nd of 2002.

2.3. Agendum No. 3. Appointment of Directors

Kookmin Bank shareholder representatives and the Board of Directors have nominated 10 people for 10 Non-Executive Director seats. Seven were nominated by shareholder representatives and the remaining three were nominated by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee has nominated two people for two Executive Director seats. The 12 nominees will be recommended for election at this general shareholders meeting.

The nominees are as follows:

List of Nominees for Executive Directors

List of Nominees for Executive Directors
Name Career Nominator

Choulju Lee

• Director & Executive Vice President, Hanil Bank
• Statutory Auditor, H&CB
*Auditor & Executive Director, Kookmin Bank

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

Soonchul Lee

•Head of Supervision Planning & Coordination Department, Financial Supervisory Service
•Head of General Affairs Department, Financial Supervisory Service
*Deputy Governor, Financial Supervisory Service

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

* Present position

List of Nominees for Non-Executive Directors

List of Nominees for Non-Executive Directors
Ne Career Nominator

Henry Cornell

•David, Polk & Wardwel
•Vice President, Goldman Sachs
*Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Shareholder representative
(GS Capital)

Kyunghee Yoon

•Branch Manager, ING Barings, Ltd.
*Country Manager & Managing Director, ING Barings, Ltd., Korea

Shareholder representative
(ING Insurance International B. V.)

Keunshik Oh

•Director, Pension Improvement Committee
•Director, National Pension CorporationV
*Researcher, Kwangju Society Research Institute

Shareholder representative
(National Pension Corporation)

Moonsoul Chung

•President, Mirae Corporation
*Advisor, Mirae Corporation

Shareholder representative
(Young Poong Corporation)

Sunjin Kim

•Vice President, Yuhan Corporation
*Member of Advisory on Stocks Practice of Korea Listed Companies Association
*President, Yuhan Corporation

Shareholder representative

Dongsoo Chung

•Deputy General Manager, Office of National Budget Administration
•Assistant Minister, Planning & Management Office of Ministry of Planning & Budget
•Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment

Shareholder representative
(Bowhan Jung)

Sunjae Cho

•President, National Institute for International Education Development
•Vice Minister, Ministry of Education
*Chairman, Korean Teachers Credit Union

Shareholder representative
(Korean Teachers Credit Union)

Woonyoul Choi

•Chairman, KOSDAQ Committee
*Professor, Finance, Sogang University
*President, Korea Securities Research Institute

Board of Directors

Jihong Kim

•Executive Director, Korea Academy of International Business
•Associate Researcher, Korea Development Institute
*Professor, Business & Economics, Hanyang University

Board of Directors

Timothy Hartman

•CEO, Balwin United Corporation
•CFO & EVP, NCNB Corporation
•Chairman, NCNB-Texas
*Director, Infornet Services Corporation

Board of Directors

* Present position

2.4. Agendum No. 4. Appointment of Candidates for the Members of the Audit Committee Who Are Executive Directors

Appointment of Candidates for the Members of the Audit Committee Who Are Executive Directors
Name Career Nominator

Choulju Lee

•Director & Executive Vice President, Hanil Bank
•Statutory Auditor, H&CB
*Auditor & Executive Director, Kookmin Bank

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

Soonchul Lee

•Head of Supervision Planning & Coordination Department, Financial Supervisory Service
•Head of General Affairs Department, Financial Supervisory Service
*Deputy Governor, Financial Supervisory Service

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

* Present position

2.5. Agendum No. 5. Appointment of Candidates for the Members of the Audit Committee Who Are Non-Executive Directors

Appointment of Candidates for the Members of the Audit Committee Who Are Non-Executive Directors
Name Current Position Nominator

Sunjin Kim

•Vice President, Yuhan Corporation
*Member of Advisory on Socks Practice of Korea Listed Companies Association
*President, Yuhan Corporation

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

Kyunghee Yoon

•Branch Manager, ING Barings, Ltd.
*Country Manager & Managing Director, ING Barings, Ltd., Korea

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

Keunshik Oh

•Director, Pension Improvement Committee
•Director, National Pension Corporation
*Researcher, Kwangju Society Research Institute

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

Sunjae Cho

•President, National Institute for International Education Development
•Vice Minister, Ministry of Education
*Chairman, Korean Teachers Credit Union

Nominating Committee of Members for Audit Committee

* Present position

2.6. Agendum No. 6. Approval of the Aggregate Remuneration Limit for Directors

8 billion Won will be proposed as the maximum amount of aggregate compensation that may be disbursed to the directors of Kookmin Bank each fiscal year. The board of directors will authorize and ratify the payment allocation.

3. Compensation of Directors

3.1. Aggregate of the Remuneration Paid to Directors

(From November 1 to December 31, 2001, Unit: Million Won)

Aggregate of the Remuneration Paid to Directors
Aggregate Payment Maximum Amount of Aggregate Compensation to be Payable Average Paid Amount per Person
Executive Directors 428 8,000 54
Non-Executive Directors 141 7
Total 569 8,000 61

3.2. Stock Options Granted to Directors

(From November 1 to December 31, 2001)

Stock Options Granted to Directors
Title Name Number of Options Grant Date
Chairman Sanghoon Kim 150,000 common shares November 16, 2001
*President & CEO Jungtae Kim 500,000 common shares November 16, 2001

* For President & CEO, additional shares (up to 200,000 shares) shall be granted if the average closing price of Kookmin Bank's stock from August 17, 2004 to November 16, 2004 (or for the three months prior to his resignation, if he resigns earlier thank his original tenure) is higher than the stock prices of any other bank listed on the Korea Stock Exchange. The number of such additional shares shall be calculated subject to the performances-based indicators and targets.

Exhibit 1

as of December 31, 2001 and 2000

In Millions of Korean Won In Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001 2000
Cash and due from banks ₩ 7,503,624 ₩ 6,355,464 US$ 5,658,415 US$ 4,792,598
Trading securities 6,414,148 2,457,754 4,836,851 1,853,370
Investment securities 27,003,206 16,893,551 20,362,873 12,739,274
Loans 107,029,959 50,570,411 80,710,323 38,134,689
Fixed assets 2,924,471 1,272,126 2,205,317 959,299
Other assets 6,018,394 3,972,267 4,538,416 2,995,451
Total Assets ₩ 156,893,802 ₩ 81,521,573 US$ 118,312,195 US$ 61,474,680
Deposits ₩ 115,161,304 ₩ 56,522,145 US$ 86,842,096 US$ 42,622,838
Borrowings 12,556,052 7,066,273 9,468,405 5,328,612
Debentures 9,076,028 6,674,942 6,844,151 5,033,513
Other liabilities 11,186,876 7,001,692 8,435,922 5,279,913
Total Liabilities 147,980,260 77,265,052 111,590,574 58,264,876
Commitments and Contingencies
Common stock 1,498,487 1,498,067 1,129,995 1,129,679
Preferred stock - 200,000 - 150,818
Capital surplus 5,683,964 1,600,590 4,286,226 1,206,990
Retained earnings 1,427,475 875,045 1,076,446 659,864
Capital adjustments 303,616 82,819 228,954 62,453
Total Shareholders' Equity 8,913,542 4,256,521 6,721,621 3,209,804
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity ₩ 156,893,802 ₩ 81,521,573 US$ 118,312,195 US$ 61,474,680

Exhibit 2

for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

In Millions of Korean Won In Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001 2000
Interest income
Interest on due from banks ₩ 78,983 ₩ 342,313 US$ 59,560 US$ 258,135
Interest on trading securities 172,045 172,001 129,738 129,704
Interest on investment securities 1,429,652 1,405,833 1,078,088 1,060,126
Interest on loans 5,512,882 4,405,543 4,157,214 3,322,180
Other interest income 123,354 79,790 93,020 60,169
7,316,916 6,405,480 5,517,620 4,830,314
Interest expenses
Interest on deposits 3,613,398 3,048,313 2,724,831 2,298,705
Interest on borrowings 513,876 489,342 387,509 369,008
Interest on debentures 531,244 674,393 400,606 508,554
Other interest expenses 62,354 40,651 47,021 30,655
4,720,872 4,252,699 3,559,967 3,206,922
Net interest income 2,596,044 2,152,781 1,957,653 1,623,393
Bad debt expenses 992,249 640,980 748,246 483,357
Net interest income after bad debt expenses 1,603,795 1,511,801 1,209,407 1,140,035
Non-interest income
Fees & commission income 620,575 331,807 467,970 250,213
Dividends on trading securities 323 1,908 244 1,439
Dividends on investment securities 6,679 43,773 5,037 33,009
Gain on foreign currency transactions 359,423 278,607 271,038 210,095
Gain on derivatives 2,278,142 1,376,112 1,717,926 1,037,714
Other 411,847 414,206 310,570 312,349
3,676,989 2,446,413 2,772,784 1,844,818
Non-interest expenses
Fees & commission expenses 138,835 50,967 104,694 38,434
General and administrative expenses 1,458,544 1,010,974 1,099,875 762,366
Loss on foreign currency transactions 211,401 82,648 159,416 62,324
Loss on derivatives 2,317,916 1,492,914 1,747,919 1,125,793
Other 308,542 427,084 232,669 322,060
4,435,238 3,064,587 3,344,573 2,310,977
Operating income 845,546 893,627 637,619 673,876
Non-operating income, net 246,705 145,769 186,038 109,923
Net income before income tax expenses 1,092,251 1,039,396 823,657 783,799
Income tax expenses 351,686 319,696 265,203 241,080
Net income ₩ 740,565 ₩ 719,700 US$ 558,453 US$ 542,719
Basic earnings per share ₩ 3,706 ₩ 4,047 US$ 2,795 US$ 3,052
Diluted earnings per common share ₩ 3,545 ₩ 3,464 US$ 2,673 US$ 2,61

Exhibit 3

for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

Dates of appropriations : March 22, 2002 for 2001 and March 15, 2001 for 2000

Retained earnings before appropriations,Appropriations
In Millions of Korean Won In Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001 2000
Retained earnings before appropriations
Unappropriated retained earnings carried over from prior yeaR ₩ 37 ₩ 20 US$ 28 US$ 15
Cumulative effect of accounting changes (68,184) (39,621) (51,417) (29,878)
Net income 740,565 719,700 558,453 542,719
672,418 680,099 507,064 512,856
Transferred from prior years' reserves
Reserves for overseas investment losses 8,483 10,800 6,397 8,144
Legal reserves 74,100 72,000 55,878 54,295
Reserves for business rationalization 1,000 4,800 754 3,620
Cash dividends (2.0% for common stock in 2001, 10.0% for common stock and 1.0% for preferred stock in 2000) 29,967 151,009 22,598 113,875
Stock dividends (6.0% for common stock in 2001) 89,900 - 67,793 -
Voluntary reserves 480,000 463,000 361,964 349,144
Other reserves 817 53 616 40
675,784 690,862 509,603 520,973
Unappropriated retained earnings carried over to the subsequent year ₩ 5,117 ₩ 37 US$ 3,859 US$ 28


1. All references to Korean "Won" or "₩" in this document are to the currency of the Republic of Korea, and all references to "U.S. Dollars" or "$" are to the currency of the United States of the United States of America.

2. The Won / Dollar translation rate is 1,326.1 Won for 1 Dollar in 2001 and 2000.

3. The amounts expressed in U.S. Dollars are provided soley for the convenience of the reader and have not been audited.

4. The comparative financial statements state the results based on deems accounting method, which preserves former Kookmin Bank as an ongoing entity having acquired former H&CB on November1, 2001. Therefore, all statements for the year of 2000 shall be based on the financial statements of former Kookmin Bank.

General Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda Details for the Fiscal Year of 2001

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