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Form 6-K Current Reports

2001 Bank Operating Results (Feb. 7, 2002)


On February 6, 2001, the board of directors of Kookmin Bank has approved the audited non-consolidated financial statements in accordance with Korean GAAP for the fiscal year 2001. The following selected numbers have been released to the press.

1.1 Purchase accounting method application

In order to facilitate proper analysis of Kookmin Bank’s 2001 earnings result, we offer the following summary of accounting and financial statement rules new Kookmin Bank has adopted:

1.1.1. According to Korean rules and regulations relating to business combination, Kookmin Bank’s official accounting method relies on purchase accounting, which accounts for an acquisition using market value for the consolidation of the two entities’ net assets on the balance sheet. Here are the details:

• Former Kookmin Bank purchases the assets and liabilities of former H&CB at fair value as of October 31, 2001.

• An acquisition cost of former H&CB is a sum of the total value of stocks outstanding for former H&CB (closing price on October 31, 2001 of 33,766 won x number of stocks outstanding of 119,922,229) and the fair value of former H&CB’s stock options (18 billion won).

• The fair value of former H&CB’s net assets is 3,362 billion won:

The fair value of former H&CB’s net assets is 3,362 billion won
(Million won) Assets Liabilities Capital
Book Value 67,700 64,381 3,319
Fair Value 67,743 64,381 3,362

• Goodwill is created by taking the difference of the purchase price and fair value of net assets of former H&CB. Goodwill of 705 billion won will be amortized over nine years, using a straight-line accounting method.

1.1.2. The financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2001 are filed using the purchase accounting method. For the purpose of comparison, however, we will present figures of purchase accounting and figures derived through simple arithmetic summation of two banks’ past earnings, excluding the inter-bank transaction amounts.

• 2001 Balance Sheet states former Kookmin Bank’s assets and liabilities outstanding as of December 31, 2001 and reflects the fair value of former H&CB’s net assets.

• 2001 Income Statement states former Kookmin Bank’s revenues and expenses for full 12 months, as well as former H&CB’s November and December results.

• A formal presentation of the comparative financial statement states the results based on purchase accounting method, which preserves former Kookmin Bank as an ongoing entity having acquired former H&CB on November 1, 2001. Respectively, an official comparison shall be based on the financial statements of former Kookmin Bank.

• Notwithstandin g the above, we have combined the income statements of former Kookmin Bank and former H&CB, excluding their inter-bank transactions, to present pro forma comparisons.

1.2 Financial Highlights

Kookmin Bank will release full year earnings on February 7, 2002. Respectively, we offer the following overview in advance to assist your analytical preparation.

For the 12 months ended December 31, 2001, Kookmin Bank delivered W741 billion in net profits using the purchase method. The pro forma statements of the bank, however, reported net income of W1,486 billion, a 19.5% increase from the same prior year period. Below are highlights of Kookmin Bank’s performance for the 12 months ended December 31, 2001.

• Income before taxes and provisions recorded W2,188 billion based on purchase method and W3,704 billion based on simple consolidation method, which states an increase of 24.0% from the same prior year period.

• Net interest income recorded W2,596 billion based on purchase method and W3,861 billion based on simple consolidation method, which shows an increase of 10.4% from the same prior year period.

• Non-interest revenue recorded W938 billion based on the purchase method and W1,986 based on the simple consolidation method. Again the latter method reported a 58.8% growth compared to same prior year period.

• Net-interest margin for the period ended December 31, 2001 was 3.10% based on the purchase method and 3.42% based on the simple consolidation method. Based on the latter method, our net interest margin improved by 17 bps over the same prior year period.

The total assets of bank balance sheet increased by W14,936 billion to W156,894 billion, up 10.5% from the same prior year period.

• Total loans outstanding, including credit card loans of W4,706 billion, increased by W11,626 billion to W107,030 billion, up 12.2% from the same prior year period.

• Total deposits increased by W11,749 billion to W115,161 billion, up 11.4% from the same prior year period.

1.3 Asset Quality

The ratio of substandard and below loans to total loans outstanding went down to 3.56%, lower by 2.53% points over the same prior year period and the ratio of precautionary and below loans also came down from 11.40% to 7.65%, lower by 3.75% points over the same prior year period.

• Our NPL came down to 2.62% for the period ended December 31, 2001, which is lower by 1.3% points over the same prior year period.

• Our delinquency ratio also improved by 1.19% points yoy basis bringing the rate down to 2.51%.

Notwithstanding a long and arduous processes experienced prior to the merger date, Kookmin Bank, upon its merger on November 1, 2001, has proceeded at full speed to revamp the implementation of successful integration of two merged banks. While we have launched various programs to merge the two systems without any customer attrition, we focused our efforts on integrating the headquarters organization and improving our asset quality to its highest standard. Having stated that, we note that our November and December earnings have been expensed fully to write off bad debts and provision according to higher provisioning policy of two banks. We present you with below summary table of incremental provisions accrued

since the merger:

since the merger
Large corporates Amounts in bil won





Ssangyong Motor


Korea Data System


Incheon Oil Refinery

New Provision Policy Amounts in bil won

Forward Looking Criteria


Adoption of higher provision


Subordinate bond classification redefined

Total incremental provisions 744 billion won

1.4 Condensed Balance Sheets

1.4.1. Purchase Method

Purchase Method
As of
(W bn)
Old Kookmin
New Kookmin
Growth (YoY)
Amount %
Total assets 81,522 156,894 75,372 92.5
Cash and due from banks 6,355 7,504 1,148 18.1
Trading securities 2,458 6,414 3,956 161.0
Investment securities 16,894 27,003 10,110 59.8
Loans 50,570 107,030 56,459 111.6
(Allowances for loan losses) (1,827) (2,271) (445) 24.3
(Present value discounts) (168) (59) 109 (64.9)

Properties, premises and equipments

1,272 2,925 1,652 129.9
Other assets 3,972 6,019 2,046 51.5
Total liabilities 77,265 147,980 70,715 91.5
Deposits 56,522 115,161 58,639 103.7
Borrowings 7,066 12,556 5,490 77.7
Debentures 6,675 9,076 2,401 36.0
Other liabilities 7,002 11,187 4,185 59.8
Total shareholders' equity 4,257 8,914 4,657 109.4
Paid-in capital 1,698 1,499 (200) (11.8)
Capital surplus 1,601 5,684 4,083 255.1
Retained earnings 875 1,428 552 63.1
Capital adjustments 83 304 221 266.5
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 81,522 156,894 75,372 92.5

1.4.2. Simple Consolidation

Simple Consolidation
As of
(W bn)
Former Kookmin + H&CB Growth (YoY)
00/12/31 01/12/3 Amount %
Total assets 141,958 156,894 14,936 10.5
Cash and due from banks 8,713 7,504 (1,209) (13.9)
Trading securities 4,887 6,414 1,527 31.2
Investment securities 25,006 27,003 1,998 8.0
Loans 95,404 107,030 11,626 12.2
(Allowances for loan losses) (2,988) (2,271) 717 (24.0)
(Present value discounts) (314) (59) 255 (81.2)
Properties, premises and equipments 2,164 2,925 761 35.1
Other assets 5,785 6,019 234 4.0
Total liabilities 135,158 147,980 12,822 9.5
Deposits 103,413 115,161 11,749 11.4
Borrowings 10,197 12,556 2,359 23.1
Debentures 9,869 9,076 (793) (8.0)
Other liabilities 11,680 11,187 (493) (4.2)
Total shareholders' equity 6,800 8,914 2,114 31.1
Paid-in capital 2,540 1,499 (1,041) (41.0)
Capital surplus 2,378 5,684 3,306 139.0
Retained earnings 1,858 1,428 (431) (23.2)
Capital adjustments 24 304 280 1169.9
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 141,958 156,894 14,936 10.5

1.5 Condensed Income Statements

1.5.1. Purchase Method

Purchase Method
Year to date at
00/12/31 01/12/3 Growth (YoY)
Amount %
Operating revenue 8,852 10,994 2,142 24.2
Interest income 6,405 7,317 911 14.2
Fees and commissions 332 621 289 87.0
Other operating income 2,115 3,056 942 44.5
Operating expenses 7,958 10,148 2,190 27.5
Interest expenses 4,253 4,721 468 11.0
Fees and commissions paid 51 139 88 172.4
Other operating expenses 2,644 3,830 1,186 44.9
Administrative expenses 1,011 1,459 448 44.3
Operating income 894 846 (48) (5.4)
Non-operating revenue 443 619 176 39.8
Non-operating expenses 297 372 75 25.3
Ordinary income 1,039 1,092 53 5.1
Income before income tax expenses 1,039 1,092 53 5.1
Income tax expense 320 352 32 10.0
Net income 720 741 21 2.9

1.5.2. Simple Consolidation

Simple Consolidation
Year to date at
00/12/31 01/12/31 Growth (YoY)
Amount %
Operating revenue 14,838 16,660 1,822 12.3
Interest income 11,134 11,495 361 3.2
Fees and commissions 1,045 1,582 537 51.3
Other operating income 2,659 3,583 924 34.8
Operating expenses 13,196 14,618 1,422 10.8
Interest expenses 7,636 7,639 3 0.0
Fees and commissions paid 127 248 121 95.5
Other operating expenses 3,514 4,424 910 25.9
Administrative expenses 1,919 2,308 389 20.3
Operating income 1,642 2,042 399 24.3
Non-operating revenue 638 861 223 34.9
Non-operating expenses 488 719 231 47.3
Ordinary income 1,792 2,183 391 21.8
Income before income tax expenses 1,792 2,183 391 21.8
Income tax expense 549 697 148 27.0
Net income 1,244 1,486 243 19.5

1.6 Asset Quality

Asset Quality
As of
(W bn)
FY 2000 FY 2001 Growth (YoY)
Amount %
Total 103,524 112,920 9,396 9.1%


91,720 104,284 12,565 13.7%


5,502 4,621 (881) -16.0%


4,168 2,484 (1,684) -40.4%


1,654 1,222 (432) -26.1%

Estimated loss

481 309 (172) -35.8%
Loan loss provision 3,639 2,505 (1,134) -31.2%
Precautionary and below 11,804 8,635 (3,169) -26.8%

Coverage ratio

30.83% 29.01% - -1.8%
Substandard and below 6,303 4,015 (2,288) -36.3%

Coverage ratio

57.74% 62.40% - 4.7%
Non- performing loan ratio 3.92% 2.62% - -1.3%
Delinquency ratio 3.70% 2.51% - -1.2%