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Form 6-K Current Reports

Board of Directors' Resolution [1] (Feb. 6, 2002)


On February 6, 2002, the board of directors of Kookmin Bank has approved and ratified the following items:

1. Convocation of General Shareholders’ Meeting for the Fiscal Year 2001

The Board of Directors has convened the first annual shareholders’ meeting of Kookmin Bank as follows:

• Time: Friday, March 22, 2002, 10 A.M.

• Venue: auditorium, 4th floor, Yoido Headquarters, 36-3 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul, Korea 150-758


1) Approval of audited non-consolidated financial statements (Balance sheet, Income statement and Statement of appropriation of retained earnings) for the fiscal year 2001 (2001. 1 .1 ~ 12. 31)

2) Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

3) Appointment of Directors

4) Appointment of candidates for the members of the Audit Committee who are executive directors

5) Appointment of candidates for the members of the Audit Committee who are non-executive directors

6) Approval of the aggregate remuneration limit for directors

2. Disposition of Kookmin Bank Investment Trust Management

The Board of Directors has approved and ratified the disposition of Kookmin Bank’s share in Kookmin Bank Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd. (“KITMC”)

KITMC is an investment trust company, which mainly provides investment trust management and asset management services. As of December 31, 2001, the paid-in capital and total assets of KITMC are 30 billion Won and 39 billion Won, respectively.

Kookmin Bank will sell its entire stake of 87% in KITMC to funds lead by Morgan Stanley Global Emerging Market Inc. and affiliated funds for 44 billion Won. The 87% stake is equivalent to 5.22 million shares.

As it possesses two investment trust management companies as a result of the merger between former Kookmin Bank and H&CB, Kookmin Bank has decided to sell KITMC in order to avoid duplicate investment.

Upon completion of the disposition, Kookmin Bank shall have fourteen subsidiaries with assets totaling 13,422 billion Won based on their preliminary results.