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Form 6-K Current Reports

Execution of the Appraisal Rights


At the closing of the exercise period of the appraisal rights on October 15, 2001, H&CB accumulated applications from eighteen shareholders with a total of 46,580 shares that executed their appraisal rights to sell the shares at KRW 22,441.  Please refer to the table below for the summary of the final outcome.

Execution of the Appraisal Rights
Item (Unit: Share, Won)
Total Common Shares Outstanding 119,968,809
Number of Shares against the Merger (A)  25,596,599
Total Shares with Appraisal Rights (B) 46,580
Appraisal Right Execution Rate (B/A) 0.18%
Appraisal Right Price 22,441
Expenses for Appraisal Right 1,045,301,780