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Form 6-K Current Reports

Appointment of Senior Management for the Merged Bank(Oct.12) v


On October 12, 2001, the Merger Steering Committee, which is headed by CEO Jung-Tae Kim, has announced the senior management of the merged bank.  The appointment of following Executive Vice Presidents (“EVPs”) shall be effective as of November 1, 2001.  Please also be advised the EVP positions for Private Banking and Workout Business will remain vacant until further appointment.

List of Executive Vice Presidents
List of Executive Vice Presidents
Name Position
You Whan Kim


EVP, Corporate Financial Planning and E- Business


Young Jo Joo


EVP, Strategic Planning


Jan Op de Beeck


EVP, Risk Management


Byung Sang Kim


EVP, Human Resources I


Sung Chul Kim


EVP, Human Resources II and Shared Services


Ok Hyun Yoon 


EVP, Information Technology I


Bong Hwan Cho


EVP, Information Technology II


Buhm Soo Choi


EVP, Economy & Business Research and Relations with Subsidiaries


Bock Woan Kim


EVP, Marketing I


Je Hyung Jo


EVP, Marketing II


Young Il Kim


EVP, Retail Banking


Tai Gon Kim


EVP, Corporate Banking


Duk Hyun Kim


EVP, International Banking and Capital Market


Jong In Park


EVP, Credit Card


Byung Jin Kim


EVP, Trust Business


Woo Jung Lee


EVP, National Housing Fund Management


While the Headquarters will be integrated immediately, the branches will be operated dually, with both brands, for the time being to prevent customer confusion.