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Form 6-K Current Reports

Declaration of Effectiveness from the SEC(September 12,2001)


On September 10, 2001 (Eastern Standard Time), the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) declared effective the registration statement for the contemplated merger between H&CB and Kookmin Bank.

The Securities Act of 1933 requires H&CB and Kookmin Bank to receive an effectiveness declaration from the SEC and to distribute the registration statement to H&CB’s American depositary shareholders, Kookmin Bank’s global depositary shareholders and the United States common stock shareholders of both banks before they hold the general shareholders meetings.

H&CB and Kookmin Bank will distribute this registration statement and then the two banks will separately hold the extraordinary shareholders meetings for merger approval. H&CB and Kookmin Bank will file a Listing Application with the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) to list the American depositary shares of the new merged bank on the NYSE.

Schedule to be followed

Schedule to be followed
Date Item




Distribution of Prospectus and proxy card



Publication of shareholders meeting convocation under Korean rules and regulations



Collection of the replying proxy card (Bank of New York)



Filing Listing Application with the NYSE



Extraordinary shareholders meeting



Listing the new American depositary shares on the NYSE

The above schedule is subject to change in the course of consultation with the related organizations and the supervisory authorities, if necessary