Declaration of Effectiveness from the SEC(September 12,2001)
2001-09-12On September 10, 2001 (Eastern Standard Time), the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) declared effective the registration statement for the contemplated merger between H&CB and Kookmin Bank.
The Securities Act of 1933 requires H&CB and Kookmin Bank to receive an effectiveness declaration from the SEC and to distribute the registration statement to H&CB’s American depositary shareholders, Kookmin Bank’s global depositary shareholders and the United States common stock shareholders of both banks before they hold the general shareholders meetings.
H&CB and Kookmin Bank will distribute this registration statement and then the two banks will separately hold the extraordinary shareholders meetings for merger approval. H&CB and Kookmin Bank will file a Listing Application with the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) to list the American depositary shares of the new merged bank on the NYSE.
Schedule to be followed
Date | Item
Distribution of Prospectus and proxy card |
Publication of shareholders meeting convocation under Korean rules and regulations |
Collection of the replying proxy card (Bank of New York) |
Filing Listing Application with the NYSE |
Extraordinary shareholders meeting |
Listing the new American depositary shares on the NYSE |
The above schedule is subject to change in the course of consultation with the related organizations and the supervisory authorities, if necessary