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Form 6-K Current Reports

Merger Schedule Update(September 6, 2001)


On September 6, 2001, H&CB released the updated schedule in respect to the merger with Kookmin Bank resulting from changing the date of the extraordinary shareholders' Meeting

The updated schedule is as follows:

The updated schedule
Item Before



Publication of shareholder registry
closing and record date

August 28, 200

July 28, 2001

Record date to determine shareholders
who are eligible ot vote

September 19, 2001

August 8, 2001

Period for submission of dissenting
shareholders' objection to the merger

September 19, 2001
~ October 18, 2001

August 29, 2001
~ September 28, 2001

Extraordinary shareholders' meeting

October 19, 2001

September 29, 2001

Period for the exercise of appraisal

October 20, 2001
~ October 31, 2001

October 6, 2001
~ October 15, 2001

Period for submission of dissenting
creditors' objection to the merger

October 20, 2001
~ October 31, 2001

October 6, 2001
~ October 15, 2001

Payment date for shares, for which
appraisal rights were exercised

December 20, 2001

October 25, 2001

Period for submission of old share

October 25, 2001
~ October 30, 2001

October 22, 2001
~ October 30, 2001

Date of the Merger

October 31, 2001

October 31, 2001

Inaugural shareholders' meeting

November 1, 2001

November 1, 2001

Publication of merger completion

November 1, 2001

November 1, 2001

Expected listing date of new common
shares on the Korea Stock Exchange

November 20, 2001

November 20, 2001

• The above schedule and information are subject to change in the course of consultation with the related organizations and the supervisory authorities, if necessary

• The inaugural shareholders' meeting for report on completion of the merger may be replaced by publication pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors