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Manajemen kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan nilai bagi para pelanggan dengan mengambil jalan yang benar menuju pertumbuhan.

  • Ketua & CEO

    • Ini adalah potret Ketua KB Financial Group Yang Jong Hee. Ini adalah potret Ketua KB Financial Group Yang Jong Hee.

      Yang Jong Hee

      Ketua & CEO

      Direktur Pelaksana, Departemen Perencanaan Strategi, KB Financial Group

      Wakil Presiden Keuangan, IR, dan HR dari KB Financial Group

      CEO KB Insurance

      Wakil Ketua KB Financial Group

      Masih menjabat sebagai CEO KB Financial Group

  • Wakil Presiden Eksekutif Senior

    • The portrait photo of Lee Seung Jong, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Lee Seung Jong, KB Financial Group

      Lee Seung Jong

      Penanggung Jawab Strategi (Chief Strategy Officer / CSO)
    • The portrait photo of Kim Jae Gwan, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Kim Jae Gwan, KB Financial Group

      Kim Jae Kwan

      Penanggung Jawab Keuangan (Chief Finance Officer / CFO)
    • The portrait photo of Choi Cheaol Soo, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Choi Cheaol Soo, KB Financial Group

      Choi Cheal Soo

      Penanggung Jawab Menejemen Risiko (Chief Risk Management Officer / CRO)
    • The portrait photo of Seo Young Ho, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Seo Young Ho, KB Financial Group

      Seo Young Ho

      Kepala Unit Bisnis Global
    • The portrait photo of Cho Young Suh, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Cho Young Suh, KB Financial Group

      Cho Young Suh

      Kepala Unit Bisnis Digital (Chief Digital Officer / CDO), Kepala Unit Bisnis IT (Chief IT Officer / CITO)
    • The portrait photo of Lim Dae Hwan, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Lim Dae Hwan, KB Financial Group

      Lim Dae Hwan

      Penanggung Jawab Perlindungan Konsumen (Dewan Kepatuhan, CCO)
  • Direktur Pelaksana Senior

    • The portrait photo of Kwon Bong Joong, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Kwon Bong Joong, KB Financial Group

      Kweon Bong Joong

      Kepala Divisi IR
    • The portrait photo of Park Hyo Ik, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Park Hyo Ik, KB Financial Group

      Park Hyo Ik

      Penanggung Jawab Bisnis Asuransi
    • The portrait photo of Cha Dae Hyun, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Cha Dae Hyun, KB Financial Group

      Jeong Shin Dong

      Kepala Institut Penelitian Manajemen
    • The portrait photo of Cha Dae Hyun, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Cha Dae Hyun, KB Financial Group

      Cha Dae Hyun

      Penanggung Jawab Audit
  • Direktur Pelaksana

    • The portrait photo of Kim Keoung Nam, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Kim Keoung Nam, KB Financial Group

      Kim Keoung Nam

      Kepala Divisi ESG
    • The portrait photo of Na Sang Rok, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Na Sang Rok, KB Financial Group

      Na Sang Rock

      Kepala Departemen Perencanaan Keuangan
    • The portrait photo of Jeon Hyo Sung, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Jeon Hyo Sung, KB Financial Group

      Jeon Hyo Sung

      Penanggung Jawab HR (Chief Human Resource Officer / CHO)
    • The portrait photo of Seo Gi Won, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Seo Gi Won, KB Financial Group

      Seo Ki Won

      Direktur Dewan Direksi
  • Penanggung Jawab

    • The portrait photo of Park Jin Young, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Park Jin Young, KB Financial Group

      Park Jin Young

      Penanggung Jawab Merek (Chief Production Officer / CPRO)
  • Kepala Divisi

    • The portrait photo of Jeong Jin Ho, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Jeong Jin Ho, KB Financial Group

      Jeong Jin Ho

      Kepala Divisi DT
    • The portrait photo of Yook Chang Hwa, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Yook Chang Hwa, KB Financial Group

      Yook Chang Hwa

      Kepala Divisi AI
    • The portrait photo of Oh Sang Won, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Oh Sang Won, KB Financial Group

      Oh Sang Won

      Kepala Divisi IT
    • The portrait photo of Park Young Sei, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Park Young Sei, KB Financial Group

      Park Young Sei

      Kepala Divisi Perlindungan Konsumen
  • Kepala Pusat

    • The portrait photo of Ha Yoon, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Ha Yoon, KB Financial Group

      Ha Yoon

      Kepala Pusat Desain Pengalaman Pelanggan
    • The portrait photo of Park Ki Eun, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Park Ki Eun, KB Financial Group

      Park Ki Eun

      Kepala Pusat Grup Arsitektur
    • The portrait photo of Kim Joo Hyun, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Kim Joo Hyun, KB Financial Group

      Kim Joo Hyun

      Kepala Pusat Grup Penyimpanan
    • The portrait photo of Park Chan Yong, KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Park Chan Yong, KB Financial Group

      Park Chan Yong

      Kepala Departemen Perencanaan dan Koordinasi
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