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Ethical Standards

Integrity is our core value in all we do.

KB Financial Group is committed to promoting sustainable development of communities and environment by taking responsible and ethical approach to business, and strives work collaboratively with our suppliers on sustainability.

Any KB Financial Group business shall require their respective suppliers to abide by this Code. KB Financial Group requires suppliers to comply with requirements in the Code to ensure responsible and ethical operation.

    • Suppliers must prohibit labour non-compliant with relevant regulations or harsh labour, whether mental or physical, on thier workers(contract workers, temporary workers, or any other types of workers) and must not require or order their colleagues or subordinates to engage in practices in violation of such prohibition.

      Suppliers must protect privacy of workers and must not engage in any inhumane treatment of workers that might undermine human dignity such as sexual harassment, verbal or physical abuse, human trafficking, etc.

      Suppliers must not use underage labour below the age of 15 in accordance with relevant regulations, and must ensure that those in vulnerable groups such as female or people with disability do not perform morally or physically hazardous work.

      Suppliers must ensure that working hours are in accordance with relevant regulations. Suppliers must have in place benefit plan for workers and ensure that wages meeting minimum wage requirements are paid at the appointed time in a legitimate manner.

      Suppliers must provide workers with equal and fair opportunities based on their skills and capabilities and evaluate and compensate them fairly based on their performance. Suppliers must provide workers with appropriate training to help them perform their duties to the best of their abilities and must not discriminate them based on nationality, race, religion, place of origin, educational background, gender, and age.

      Suppliers must ensure that basic rights of workers are respected and make best endeavours to protect human rights of workers.

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