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Dewan Direksi

  • The portrait photo of Jong Hee Yang, chairman of KB Financial Group The portrait photo of Jong Hee Yang, chairman of KB Financial Group
    Jong Hee Yang
    • • Joined Housing & Commercial Bank (Predecessor of KB Kookmin Bank): 1989
    • • CEO of KB Insurance: 2016 - 2020
    • • Vice Chairman of KB Financial Group Inc: 2021 - 2023
    • • Executive Director of KB Financial Group Board of Directors: Nov. 2023 - Present
    • • Nationality: Republic of Korea
    • • Year of Birth: 1961

    - Chairman Yang Jong Hee was appointed Chairman & CEO of KB Financial Group Inc. in 2023 on account of his extensive experience and expertise of the financial industry, outstanding capabilities, and unwavering ethics. He accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge about the Group's overall business while serving as Vice Chairman of KB Financial Group and CEO of KB Insurance.

    - He was appointed Vice Chairman of KB Financial Group Inc. in 2021 and served as head of the Global, Insurance, Digital, Retail Customer, Wealth Management, and SME Business Units for three years, overseeing the Group's various core businesses. As the Group’s Chairman and head of Business Units, he made significant contributions to the establishment of group-wide business strategies and enhancing synergy. He is recognized for his role in expanding the lineup of insurance affiliates by acquiring Prudential Life Insurance (currently KB Life Insurance) and improving operational efficiency by introducing an integrated operating model between non-life insurance and life insurance companies during his tenure as head of the Insurance Unit.

    - While serving as CEO of KB Insurance from 2016 to 2020, he laid the solid foundation for the company nurturing future values and successfully grew KB Insurance as core business affiliate of the Group. In addition, he contributed to the company’s’ digital transformation by implementing the industry's first-of-its-kind simplified claim service.

    - Since 2013, he has overseen finance, strategy, IR, and the Board of Directors at KB Financial Group, gaining extensive experience and knowledge across different areas within the Group. In his role of strategic planning executive, he successfully spearheaded the acquisition of LIG Non-life Insurance, showcasing his determination and strong execution skills.

    - Chairman Yang joined Housing & Commercial Bank, the predecessor of KB Kookmin Bank, in 1989, and has taken on various positions across branch offices and head office, accumulating a deep understanding of banking institutions, systems, and sales and attaining a high level of expertise in these areas.

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